Netting properties
Specific properties of materials used for the production of nets, ropes and strings
Do not you know which material to choose? Below is a detailed description of our materials used in our products.
Knotted NYLON (Polyamid – PAD)
Knotted nylon mesh is used for the production and assembly of heavily stressed nets (e.g. demersal seiners, probe fences, underlying nets) for their high tensile strength even with relatively weak fibres and low density – mesh sizes 20, 25, 30, or 40 mm and thickness up to 1,5 mm. They pass well through water as well as the top layer of pond mud. They resist mechanical damage and are also UV resistant. They are suitable for the production of fishing nets, because they do not float, which is essential for the underlying nets, for example. Because of the knots, these nets are not suited for breeders of salmon, which are sensitive to mechanical damage. We also do not recommend these nets as protective, because under weather conditions, they do not last longer than 5 years.
Knotless NYLON (Polyamid – PAD)
Knotless nylon is mainly used in nets and knitwear for smaller categories of fish or in the breeding of salmon. Their great advantage is that they are very gentle and they do not have knots. In addition, it is possible to make very small meshes, down to 1 x 1 mm. Knotless nets with mesh larger than 20 x 20 mm should not be used for fences or underlying nets, because, due to the fabric construction, they do not have the same strength as knotted nets at thicknesses of 1,5 mm.
Knotted POLYETHYLENE – multifilament (PET)
Known for their excellent resistance to UV rays and other weather conditions, these are used mainly for the production of protective and aviary nets. The material is very light and non-absorbent; the life of the material in direct sunlight is approximately 10 years. Due to its roughness, this material is not suitable for direct contact with fish. In fisheries, these nets are to be used only as a cover – protection against predators.
Suitable for technical, protective and sport nets, these are strong and much lighter than polyamid (meaning they float). Abrasion resistance is somewhat lower than that of nylon. In the fishing industry they are used, for example, to cover breeding pools and indoor throughs.
Shielding and protective nets, weatherproof. They are used to shade objects, to capture dust, as a complement to privacy fences, etc.
Why are the nets made „DIRECTLY“ and not as a grid?
If it is not directly required by the technical solution, we prefer the oblique production method in the production and installation of all types of mesh. Thus, the nets do not lose their unique and amazing feature – to capture pressures and markings throughout the area into one point, ie. through all the lines in the net area and not just the one being hit against (for example with a ball), as happens with the nets cut into a cross (as a lattice). Sloping nets can be stretched much better during installation, and less snow is left in winter as the fibers are skewed.
If the technical solution for network installation requires networks as a network, the calculated price is increased by a certain mesh size and the entire network is sealed along its circumference.